Monday, February 1, 2010

To know, love, and serve God.

It's February! Congratulations on making it this far. Ten more months until 2011 ;) Scary stuff, right? Well I am so excited to share it with all my new friends. In the last few days, I went to the Rocky Mountain Honors choir and met some awesome people who will be my friends for a lifetime. I finally feel at home here in Montana! It's taken a while, but so worth the wait. I can't imagine life without them.
As for my health, things are slowing progressing. Adam and Nhat lost their baby, but in my sister's words, "God needed another little angel." This is so true. God has a reason for everything, and although we may not always understand it, we need to trust that it's his will.
What would life be like without being Catholic? It'd be pretty dull because I would not have the Virgin Mary or Saints to look up to. They inspire me in my faith. When things get tough, that's when its the most important to stay faithful. I've learned this the hard way. It's so tempting to give up, especially when there are so many unanswered questions. I learned to never stop asking questions...That's how I got to where I am now. It's refreshing to have faithful people around me as friends, even though we don't always agree on things, at least they are true to themselves and God.
I hope and pray that everyone might find absolute truth in their lives... Especially those who are struggling, like the people in Haiti.
:) <3

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